Nichols, B. E., & Barrett, L. (2025). The effect of memory and visual versus auditory presentations in melodic error detection. Journal of Research in Music Education.
Holster, J., Nichols, B. E., Aljameel, F., & Norrid, A. (2025). An entertainment-education policy approach to teach campus literacy, safety, and social norms. Arts Education Policy Review, 126(1), 50-63.
Bond, V. L., Vasil, M., Kastner, J., Nichols, B. E. (2023). Graduate mentoring practices in music education. Journal of Research in Music Education.
Nichols, B. E., *Piña, K., & *Atchison, S. (2024). Voice load in a music student teacher: A quantitative case study in voice dosimetry. Voice and Speech Review.
Nichols, B. E., *Hua A., & *Wang, Z. (2023). Defining “Happy” in Happy Birthday: Singing accuracy a construct based on range and intervals. Psychology of Music, 51(4), 1414-1423. *Undergraduate student co-authors.
Nichols, B. E., & Stambaugh, L. (2022). Melody, not beat perception, predicts rhythmic error detection. Journal of Research in Music Education.
Nichols, B. E., & *Liu, A. (2022). Starting Pitch Selection is Precise in Exploratory Study of Collegiate Nonmusic Majors. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 40(2).
Nichols, B. E., & Springer, D. G. (2022). Interval identification predicts melodic dictation. Journal of Research in Music Education.
Nichols, B. E., *Atchison, S., & *Piña, K. (2021). Voice dosimetry in an elementary student teacher. Voice and Speech Review.
*Graduate student co-authors
Nichols, B. E. (2020). Effect of vocal versus piano doubling on children’s singing accuracy. Psychology of Music.
Stambaugh, L. A., & Nichols, B. E. (2020). The Relationships Among Interval Identification, Pitch Error Detection, and Stimulus Timbre by Preservice Teachers. Journal of Research in Music Education, 36.
Nichols, B. E. & Lorah, J. (2020). Does doubled singing increase children’s singing accuracy? A re-examination of previous findings. Psychology of Music.
Nichols, B. E., Wöllner, C., & Halpern, A. R. (2018). Score one for jazz: Working memory in jazz and classical musicians. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 28(2), 101-107.
Demorest, S., Nichols, B. E., & Pfordresher, P. (2018). The effect of focused instruction on young children’s singing accuracy. Psychology of Music, 46(4), 488-499.
Nichols, B. E. (2017). Constructing singing assessments for the music classroom. General Music Today, 30(3), 13-17.
Nichols, B. E. (2016). Task-based variability in children’s singing accuracy. Journal of Research in Music Education, 64(3), 309-321.
Nichols, B. E. & Wang, S. (2016). The effect of repeated attempts and test-retest reliability in children’s singing accuracy. Musicae Scientiae, 20(4), 551-562.
Nichols, B. E. (2016). Critical variables in singing accuracy test construction: A review of literature. UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education, 35(1), 39-46.
Nichols, B. E. (2015). The participation and consumerism of two non-music majors enrolled in a university men’s glee club. Contributions to Music Education, 40, 131-146.
Nichols, B. E. (2013). The way we do the things we do: Sight-singing practices and influences of middle school chorus teachers. Contributions to Music Education, 39(1), 87-107.
Nichols, B. E. (2013). The first 20 years: A content analysis of the Journal of Music Teacher Education, 1991-2011. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 22(2), 73-84.